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Activate Sport & Family с гордост ще бъде домакин на втория за България сертификационен на International Kettlebell Fitness Federation - IKFF CKT Level 1 + Level 2, като този път участниците ще могат да покрият нива 1 и две в едно събитие.

Курсът ще се проведе на 22-24ти септември 2017г в Activate Sport & Family и ще бъде воден отново лично от основателя на IKFF - Стив Котър (Steve Cotter).

Повече информация за курса можете да откриете по-долу или на следния линк 

Цена за CKT 1 - 450 USD

Цена за CKT 2 - 450 USD

Цена за CKT 1+2 - 750 USD

За въпроси и повече информация: +359 887 622721 или

Activate Sport & Family will proudly host the second for Bulgaria certification course of IKFF - IKFF CKT 1 + CKT 2. This time the participants will have the chance to cover both Level 1 and Level 2 courses in one event.

The course will take place on Sept 22-24, 2017 at Activate Sport and Family, Sofia, Bulgaria. Course instructor and assessor is again Steve Cotter - IKFF Founder and President. 

More information - below or at the following web pages: 

Price for CKT 1 - 450 USD

Price for CKT 2 - 450 USD

Price for CKT 1+2 - 750 USD

For more info or questions: +359 887 622721 или


The IKFF CKT Level 1 course is perfect for beginning, intermediate and even advanced k-bell practitioners. You will learn the proper mechanics/alignment, breathing and groove (k-bell trajectory and position) for all the classical lifts.

The IKFF prides itself as being an evolving and ever improving organization – thus, you can feel confident that you are truly learning a cutting edge system and methodology that will deliver results while at the same time ensuring you and your client’s safety.

The CKT Level 1 course focuses on two high level points:

1. Mastery of the basics – You will learn all the fundamental kettlebell exercises, several variations and most importantly, the key physical training principles underlying and associated with each movement.
2. Coaching skills – In addition to learning how to take your own fitness to higher levels, you will learn how to coach others safely and effectively utilizing a process Steve has refined over several years and thousands of clients.

Exercises covered

  • Swing

  • Clean

  • Press

  • Push Press

  • Jerk (taught but not tested on)

  • Long Cycle (Clean + Jerk – taught but not tested on)

  • Snatch

  • Squat

What will you learn?

  • The classical kettlebell lifts and their variations!

  • Why learning how to differentiate the different types of breathing and knowing how to apply them is so important to safety and efficiency

  • How to properly execute all of the competition lifts involved in Russian Kettlebell Sport – swing, snatch, clean, jerk and long cycle (clean + jerk)

  • How you can still achieve all of your fitness goals despite the challenge of limited time

  • How to design a program for any fitness goal you or your clients may have – strength, endurance, work capacity, muscle mass, mobility etc.

  • Mobility and flexibility work specific to kettlebell training

  • The necessary drills needed to help ensure you and your clients learn all the lifts safely

  • Assistance exercises for competition training – these very unique exercises will take your conditioning and technique to new levels

  • Why hand position is so critical to performance and elbow safety

  • How to to dramatically reduce hand fatigue and tears in the snatch

  • Learn what is YOUR best Rack position

  • How kettlebells train your body to effectively manage any type of force encountered in the real world

  • How to create the “blueprint” necessary for achieving mastery in Russian Kettlebell sport Learn how to integrate time based training and volume based training for extraordinary results

  • Why kettlebells make you more resistant to injury

  • Why learning to regulate your tension is a huge must in improving the efficiency of your lifts

  • Why the neutral hand position allows you to avoid the typical ‘pump’ that is normally associated with high-repetition training. Once the forearm pumps your grip is destroyed and you can’t hold on. So the grip gives out before the cardio system is fully taxed. Kettlebell allow you to work much longer and train the cardio system to a much greater degree.

  • And much more!



The IKFF prides itself on producing coaches that are the gold standard in the industry. Thus, our criteria for passing is strict.

Attending/participating alone is not enough to obtain CKT status. You must meet the designated criteria connected to the technical and coaching components of the course.

All CKT Level 1 candidates must pass a stringent assessment in order to successful complete the requirements and achieve the Level 1 CKT distinction. The assessment is to be the performance of all level 1 techniques (swing, clean, press, push press, snatch and squat). Jerk is taught in Level 1 because it is an important lift and one of the key lifts tested in Level 2 CKT courses. However, because of it’s relative complexity, some Level 1 candidates will not quite have the timing and execution mastered before the completion of Level 1 courses. So you will be taught the lift, but will not be required to test on the Jerk until CKT 2. For all lifts, form is checked to assure effective understanding and performance of the movements. In addition to the technical assessment, all registrants must pass the following Level 1 test. This is simply a test of minimum standards for Level 1 and a building block for continuous progression in abilities. Thus, the focus is on lighter weights and lower volume with exceptional technique.


-Hand-hand Swing: 20kg x 100 – switching hands after each rep is completed
-1 arm Clean& Press: 20kg x 16 reps per hand AND must work for the full 2 minutes on each hand (4 min set); 32 reps total non-stop
-Snatch: 20kg x 60 reps with only 1 hand switch (can do 30 each hand or any combo that totals 60 reps)
-Front Squat: 20kg x 30 reps AND must hold KB for entire 2 min


-Hand-hand Swing: 12kg x 100 – switching hands after each rep is completed
-1 arm Clean& Press: 12kg x 16 reps per hand AND must work for the full 2 minutes on each hand (4 min set); 32 reps total non-stop
-Snatch: 12kg x 60 reps with only 1 hand switch (can do 30 each hand or any combo that totals 60 reps)
-Front Squat: 12kg x 30 reps AND must hold KB for entire 2 min

* The above is performed one right after the next with no rest or breaks inbetween exercises.

* Women under 45 kg can use 8kg and for men under 60kg can use 16kg; men and women over 55 years of age can use 16kg and 8kg respectively

In the case that a candidate is unable to successfully demonstrate competence in one of more of the Level 1 techniques, the student will receive a Certificate of Participation and will need to subsequently demonstrate correction of the techniques. There are numerous avenues in order to accomplish this, including attending a review Level 1 course, testing in person with an IKFF regional representative or by providing video evidence of the corrected techniques.

Upon, registration you will receive:

1. CKT Level 1 Fitness Test Prep: This will provide a detailed training schedule to ensure that you are prepared for the assessment test

Post Certification benefits:

  • 15% discount on all of Steve’s products (DVD’s, books, clothing) and 25% discount on k-bells

  • Access to our private CKT forum on the IKFF website (

  • Eligible for continued education (Level 2 course)

  • Member of a globally recognized organization – we have instructors in almost every major country

  • Affiliate program (earn commission on referrals)



CKT’s are required to update their certification status every three years. This will be based on calendar year (not the actual date). Thus, if you became a CKT in March 2010, you would need to be re-certified sometime before the end of 2013.

The goal of the re-certification is straight-forward – continuing education. We are consistently learning and being exposed to new information. Thus, it’s important our coaches stay abreast of updates to the CKT program and remain on the cutting edge on what’s happening in the fitness world.

The pricing for the re-certification is dependent on when you choose to attend. Those who re-certify early will get a significant discount. Below is a pricing break-down:

  • Re-certification in the next calendar year: $300

  • Re-certification at two calendar years: $700

  • Re-certification at three calendar years: $1,295

Upon completion of a re-certification, your CKT status will be updated for 3 years AFTER your original expiration. As an example, if you attend a re-certification on March 2010 but it wasn’t set to expire until March 2011, your certification will be good until the end of 2014.

If you choose to attend a CKT in the same calendar year in which you were certified, this will be defined as a “CKT Review” and will not update your CKT status for obvious reasons (It’s the same calendar year).

  • CKT review within same calendar year: $225


The CKT Level 2 certification builds on the principles taught in level 1 – proper mechanics/alignment, proper breathing and proper groove (k-bell trajectory and position).  Utilizing this information as a base, the CKT Level 2 certification focuses on double k-bell work with an emphasis on enhanced power, athleticism, explosiveness, strength and a whole new level of work capacity. As with the Level 1 course, the high level focus will be on both the “technical” and “coaching” aspects of each lift.

Exercises covered

  • Double Snatch

  • Double Jerk

  • Double swings

  • Double clean

  • Double Press

  • Alternating Press

  • Alternating Clean

  • Bottoms Up Clean & Press

  • Open Palm Press

  • Double Push Press

  • Double Snatch

  • Alternating Snatch

  • OH Squat

  • Double OH Squat

  • 1 Leg DL

  • Pistol

  • Windmill

  • TGU

  • Get Up Sit Up

  • Bottoms Up Pushups

  • 2 Hands Anyhow

  • Sots Press


The IKFF prides itself on producing coaches that are the gold standard in the industry. Thus, our criteria for passing is strict.  Attending/participating alone is not enough to obtain CKT status. You must meet the designated criteria connected to the technical and coaching components of the course. All CKT Level 2 candidates must pass a stringent assessment in order to successful complete the requirements and achieve the Level 2 CKT distinction. The assessment is to be the performance of all level 2 techniques. Form is checked to assure effective understanding and performance of the movements. In the case that a candidate is unable to successfully demonstrate competence in one of more of the Level 2 techniques, the student will receive a Certificate of Participation and will need to subsequently demonstrate correction of the techniques. There are numerous avenues in order to accomplish this, including attending a review Level 2 course, testing in person with an IKFF regional representative or by providing video evidence of the corrected techniques. In addition to the assessment, all Level 2 CKT candidates must perform a Fitness Test during the Level 2 course, which consists of: Men:

  • Option 1 

    • 2 KB Jerk: 2x20kg x 40 reps;

    • Snatch: 20kg x 50/50

  • Option 2

    • 2 KB Jerk: 2x16kg x 65 reps;

    • Snatch: 16kg x 75/75

  • Option 3

    • 2 KB Jerk: 2x24kg x 30 reps;

    • Snatch: 24kg x 35/35


  • Option 1

    • 2 KB Jerk: 2x8kg x 65 reps;

    • Snatch: 8kg x 75/75

  • Option 2

    • 2 KB Jerk: 2x12kg x 40 reps;

    • Snatch: 12kg x 50/50

  • Option 3

    • 2 KB Jerk: 2x16kg x 30 reps;

    • Snatch: 16kg x 35/35

**Note that the person has an option of which weight to use; this allows for individual differences in size, age, BW, etc; someone who is relatively strong but not good at endurance may wish to opt for heavier KB/less reps; someone who is not very strong but is fit may opt for lighter KB/more reps, etc**


CKT’s are required to update their certification status every three years.  This will be based on calendar year (not the actual date). Thus, if you became a CKT in March 2010, you would need to be re-certified sometime before the end of 2013. The goal of the re-certification is straight-forward – continuing education.  We are consistently learning and being exposed to new information.  Thus, it’s important our coaches stay abreast of updates to the CKT program and remain on the cutting edge on what’s happening in the fitness world. The pricing for the re-certification is dependent on when you choose to attend.  Those who re-certify early will get a significant discount.  Below is a pricing break-down:

  • Re-certification in the next calendar year: $300 

  • Re-certification at two calendar years: $700 

  • Re-certification at three calendar years: $1,295

Upon completion of a re-certification, your CKT status will be updated for 3 years AFTER your original expiration.  As an example, if you attend a re-certification on March 2010 but it wasn’t set to expire until March 2011, your certification will be good until the end of 2014. If you choose to attend a CKT in the same calendar year in which you were certified, this will be defined as a “CKT Review” and will not update your CKT status for obvious reasons (It’s the same calendar year).

  • CKT review within same calendar year: $225

© 2016 by Activate Sport & Family

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